You are:

    I take note of the information notice and have understood all its points, I am aware that the processing of data takes place for the purposes referred to in paragraph 2 lett. b of the information notice. The legal basis is another with respect to the consent

    I consent/do not consent (by ticking the appropriate box) to the processing of data for the purposes indicated in point 2(A) of this infomation notice (in summary: replying to the request). Processing of data reserved only to persons who are more than 14 years old

    I consentI don't consent

    I consent/do not consent (by ticking the appropriate box) to the processing of data for the purposes indicated in point 2(C) of the this information notice (in summary: advertising communications/information notices products-services-initiatives of G & P and its partners) Processing of data reserved only to persons who are more than 14 years old

    I consentI don't consent



    Via Del Palù n. 7/D – 35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD-Italia)
    Cod. Fisc., P.Iva e Registro delle Imprese di Padova n. 04937500280, R.E.A. PD 430007
    Cap. Soc. € 7.500.000,00 i.v., società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di AGF88 Holding S.r.l.

    Via A. De Gasperi, 8
    52037 Sansepolcro AR
    Tel: +39 0575 720 682
    Fax: +39 0575 749 923


      You are:

      I take note of the information notice and have understood all its points, I am aware that the processing of data takes place for the purposes referred to in paragraph 2 lett. b of the information notice. The legal basis is another with respect to the consent

      I consent/do not consent (by ticking the appropriate box) to the processing of data for the purposes indicated in point 2(A) of this infomation notice (in summary: replying to the request). Processing of data reserved only to persons who are more than 14 years old

      I consentI don't consent

      I consent/do not consent (by ticking the appropriate box) to the processing of data for the purposes indicated in point 2(C) of the this information notice (in summary: advertising communications/information notices products-services-initiatives of G & P and its partners) Processing of data reserved only to persons who are more than 14 years old

      I consentI don't consent



      Via Del Palù n. 7/D – 35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD-Italia)
      Cod. Fisc., P.Iva e Registro delle Imprese di Padova n. 04937500280, R.E.A. PD 430007
      Cap. Soc. € 7.500.000,00 i.v., società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di AGF88 Holding S.r.l.

      Via A. De Gasperi, 8
      52037 Sansepolcro AR
      Tel: +39 0575 720 682
      Fax: +39 0575 749 923



        Sei un:

        Preso atto dell’informativa e avendola compresa

        Acconsento (barrando l’apposita casella) al trattamento per le finalità indicate al punto 2 lett. A della informativa (in sintesi: per rispondere alla richiesta )

        AcconsentoNon acconsento

        Acconsento (barrando l’apposita casella) al trattamento per le finalità indicate al punto 2 lett. D della informativa (in sintesi: ricezione di comunicazioni pubblicitarie/informative)

        AcconsentoNon Acconsento